Our next stop took us to Cincinnati, Ohio and a great visit with more family! In this pic is our beautiful daughter Kim and her kids, Ashlee and Hoot. Don't we have the most beautiful kids and grandkids? Prejudiced, you say? I think not!

Ashlee and Poppie relaxing! Ash will be a freshman at Lake Erie College in the fall. Very proud of her! She is not only beautiful, but smart too! Hoot will be a senior in high school this fall and also taking advanced college courses! He is scoping out colleges in Florida right now. Quite a bright young man, even if he does resemble a California surfer dude!
We had gorgeous weather during our visit and took advantage of it! We drove up to Door County (how appropriate for Walt) and took the ferry across Lake Michigan to Washington Island. Beautiful scenery, relaxing time. We made a few stops at some of the shops along the way and thoroughly enjoyed our day.

We also got to visit with Tom and Lynn's daughter Dianne, husband and cute little granddaughter, Eleanor. All in all, we had a really great time in Wisconsin! Next stop - Sault St. Marie, Michigan! Our wish for all of you who may read this, is that one day you too will be fortunate enough to live this kind of life and enjoy seeing this beautiful land of ours.